English Blogposts

Here’s a list of the English blogposts on this blog, starting with the latest going down to the first. Klick on the title and go read it immediately.

Presenting like Louisa Heinrich and Caroline Drucker
Analyzing two awesome presentations by two female presenters I saw in Berlin.

Presenting like Jeremy ‚Shoemoney‘ Schoemaker
Analyzing a presentation by Jeremy who unfortunately announced giving up „presenting“.

Present like Steve Jobs
Initial blogpost on a series „Present like…“ which is still being continued…

Rule of one
How to reduce information on presentation slides.

Fire and emotion – presenting emphatically
One of my favourite exercises while rehearsing presentations is described here.

Improv(e) your presentation – part 1
On improving your presentations with emotional verve – based on the learnings of improv theatre.

Sesame Street & the Manamana of a good presentation
How to make your audience „join in“.

Non-verbal communication
This is on a wow-experience when a waiter read my wishes from my eyes.

As question, so the answer.
A post on how to ‚behave‘ as customer. And a first glimpse of what appreciative communication can do.

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